Young Yogi’s Parent Consent Agreement Information

Young Yogi Club sessions are for children aged 6 to 10 years old.
They will be offered a variety of activities such as: Yoga and Mindfulness Activities.

Parents must remain on site at all times during the Young Yogi sessions.

Parents are encouraged to attend class themselves during these Young Yogi Club times. Children can be dropped to Cucumber Yurt from 09:20 in order for a 09:30 class to be attended, but you are also welcome to relax in The Pantry during the class duration instead.

Clothing & equipment - Parents are to prepare their child/ren for the weather accordingly; filled water bottle, warm layers, sunscreen etc. The Garden Yurt will be heated is required however, please equip your child/ren with the relevant layers of clothing to support them in keeping to a comfortable temperature. 

Children should not enter The Pantry please – the Pantry is an over 16’s area, please help us to keep this integrity for our members. Takeaway snacks and drinks are to be consumed at the Cucumber Yurt or to be taken home. Water bottles with child/rens names on are to be brought with them please.

Toilet Access - Toilets for the children are located in the Cucumber Lodge. Please be mindful to be quiet as treatments may be taking place in the Lodge during that time and please do ensure your child(ren) has visited the toilet prior to dropping them off at the Yurt. 

Parking/Garden Yurt access - the Yurt is located at the bottom of the Garden which is best accessed via the lower barn parking area. We ask that parents drive and park down at the lower barn and walk their children to the meet the Young Yogi’s Teacher at the Yurt. 

The Grounds - Please ensure you and your children use the provided paths at Cucumber Fields to access the yurt and do not travel across the uneven lawn or by the Pond as it can be unsafe for Children. If you do so, it is at your own risk and Cucumber Fields will not be liable. 

Our team in the Main Building Pantry will be on hand to assist should you be unsure about anything. 

NB: Please be ready to collect your child/ren at the Cucumber Yurt at the end of their session time.

Cancellation policy

Should you need to cancel your child/rens event booking, kindly inform Pippa at your earliest convenience.

Parents are to please agree with the Health & Safety Disclaimer before child/rens first attendance:


- I am happy for my child/ren to participate in yoga and mindfulness activities.

- I agree to prepare my child/ren accordingly for the weather. 

- I understand if my child/ren has any injuries, allergies (food, animals etc), or health concerns I must make them known to the teacher or management before the class begins.

- I understand that Cucumber Fields is usually an over 16s venue and that the Young Yogi classes are for the allocated dates during holiday only.

- I understand that Cucumber Fields is an over 16s venue and children should not enter into The Pantry or main studio areas.

- I understand that the grounds around the Outdoor Platform and the Pond present potential health and safety hazards for children such as rabbit burrows, a large pond, hard fencing, uneven ground and a tractor with sharp edges, so I am not to leave my child unattended around drop off or collection times.

- I am aware to drop my child/ren no earlier than 09:20am and collect my child/ren no later than 10:40am on the morning of class.

- I agree that I will remain at Cucumber Fields for the duration of the class and will take full responsibility for my child when the class finishes.